Characterization and development of closed form solutions for axle load spectra associated with trucks circulating the highways of Colombia




axle load spectra, equivalent axes, load distribution, traffic projection


An  appropriate  design  of  pavement  structures  requires  estimation  of  the   effects  produced  by  traffi c  loads.  For  this  reason,  it  is  necessary  to  predict  the  number  of   vehicles  traveling  on  road  surfaces,  identifying  the  axle  confi  gurations  and  the  magnitude   of  the  load.  Thirty-eight  (38)  mobile  weigh  stations  were  positioned  on  different  strategic   points  of  the  Colombian  national  road  network  to  characterize  the  traffic  condition  of  the   country,  59,622  trucks  were  observed.  This  paper  presents  Axle  Load  Spectra  that  could   be  used  to  characterize  the  traffi  c  condition  of  the  Colombian’s  highway  network.  Data   showed that the different axle confi gurations (Single, Tandem and Tridem) exhibit two peaks,  associated with loaded and unloaded truck conditions. It was noted that a signifi cant number  of axles exceeds the permitted load limit, which could explain the critical state of the road network  in  Colombia.  Finally,  a  mixture of three  (3)  theoretical  distributions  was  used  to   characterize  the  overall  axle  load  distributions. The proposed model  presents acceptable  predictive capabilities; therefore, it has potential to be used as a tool in the design process  of the pavement.

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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Macea-Mercado, Northern University

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Luis Guillermo Fuentes-Pumarejo, Northern University

Full-time professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Luis Gabriel Márquez-Diaz, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

School of Transportation and Road Engineering.


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How to Cite

Macea-Mercado, L. F., Fuentes-Pumarejo, L. G., & Márquez-Diaz, L. G. (2015). Characterization and development of closed form solutions for axle load spectra associated with trucks circulating the highways of Colombia. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (77), 32–40.