Sinú River raw water treatment by natural coagulants




Hylocereus cf. trigonus, Albizia saman, Guazuma ulmifolia, Moringa oleífera, coagulant activity, Sinú river


Five natural coagulants extracts in saline were evaluated: stems Hylocereus cf. trigonus (Cactus), exudate gum Albizia saman (Campano), bark Guazuma ulmifolia (Guácimo) and bark and seed of Moringa oleífera (Moringa) in raw water samples taken from the Sinú river with initial turbidity levels between 56 and 300 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). With Jar tests, the turbidity removal effi ciencies as a function of percent activity coagulant dosages applied between 5 mg/L to 200 mg/L was determined. Although the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is an important parameter of the water quality, it was not included in this study because it has been found that the Sinú river turbidity is from sedimentary origin and its stream has a low organic load. The optimal extract dosage was found to be between 10 mg/L and 40 mg/L obtaining removal effi ciencies from 40% (turbidity lower than 100 NTU) to 90% (initial turbidity higher than 150 NTU) for extracts of stems H. cf. trigonus, exudate gum A. saman, bark G. ulmifolia and bark M. oleífera. The M. oleífera seed extract had the greatest turbidity removal effi ciency even when using an initial turbidity higher than 150 NTU, achieving a coagulant activity up to 98%.

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Author Biographies

Johana Paola Rodiño-Arguello, Bolivarian Pontifical University

Research group on Water Quality and Water and Environmental Modeling (CAMHA). Professor and researcher.

Jhon Jairo Feria-Diaz, University of Sucre

Environment and Water Research Group (GIMAGUAS). Professor Civil, Sanitary and Environmental Engineering.

Roberth de Jesús Paternina-Uribe, University of Cordoba

Research group in Water, Applied and Environmental Chemistry (AQAA). Research professor.

José Luis Marrugo-Negrete, University of Cordoba

Water, Applied and Environmental Chemistry Research Group (AQAA).


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How to Cite

Rodiño-Arguello, J. P., Feria-Diaz, J. J., Paternina-Uribe, R. de J., & Marrugo-Negrete, J. L. (2015). Sinú River raw water treatment by natural coagulants. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (76), 90–98.