A novel method for fuzzy scale factors scheduling in fuzzy PD+I with anti-windup system controllers


  • Aldo Rafael Sartorius-Castellanos Technological Institute of Minatitlan
  • José de Jesús Moreno-Vázquez Technological Institute of Minatitlan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8770-434X
  • Raúl Antonio-Ortiz Technological Institute of Minatitlan
  • Marcia Lorena Hernández-Nieto Technological Institute of Minatitlan




controller, fuzzy, factor scheduling, anti-windup


The adjustment of scale factors in fuzzy controllers is a key factor in their correct functioning. In two-inputs fuzzy PID controllers, such as fuzzy PI+D (FPI+D) and fuzzy PD+I (FPD+I), the adjustment of scale factors is directly related to the adjustment of the gains of a PID controller using some of the traditional methods of adjustment. In systems that have control signal saturation, fuzzy PID controllers require anti-windup systems (AW) that limit the controller’s integral action. In these situations, the adjustments of scale factors are not directly related to the adjustment of gains of a PID controller. Its use increases the overall gain system and creates an unbounded controller, which causes a faster response in the transient state but an oscillatory behavior and even critical stability in the steady state of the response. A solution to this problem is to reduce the output scale factor, to create a bounded controller, in which the tracking time constant is augmented. Consequently, the system presents more bounded oscillations in the steady state, but the transient response is slower. The main motivation of this research was to develop an approach for adjusting fuzzy PD+I controllers with an anti-windup system (FPD+I AW) with faster response in the transient state and without oscillatory behavior in the steady state. This approach uses a second fuzzy controller, which adjusts the output scale factor and the tracking time constant according to the actual system error. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a fuzzy PD+I controller with an AW system based on tracking back calculation and fuzzy scale factor scheduling (FPD+I AW-FSFS) was implemented and used to control the speed in a direct current motor with control signal saturation and was compared with the responses of FPD+I unbounded and FPD+I bounded controllers with AWs based on tracking back calculation, thereby proving the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Author Biographies

Aldo Rafael Sartorius-Castellanos, Technological Institute of Minatitlan

Department of Electronic Engineering.

José de Jesús Moreno-Vázquez, Technological Institute of Minatitlan

Department of Electronic Engineering.

Raúl Antonio-Ortiz, Technological Institute of Minatitlan

Department of Electronic Engineering.

Marcia Lorena Hernández-Nieto, Technological Institute of Minatitlan

Department of Electronic Engineering.


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How to Cite

Sartorius-Castellanos, A. R., Moreno-Vázquez, J. de J., Antonio-Ortiz, R. ., & Hernández-Nieto, M. L. (2016). A novel method for fuzzy scale factors scheduling in fuzzy PD+I with anti-windup system controllers. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (80), 142–151. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.n80a15

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