An analysis of tools for automatic software development and automatic code generation
code generation, automatic code generation, CASE, IDE, software developmentAbstract
Software development is an important area in software engineering, which is why a wide range of techniques, methods, and approaches has emerged to facilitate software development automation. This paper presents an analysis and evaluation of tools for automated software development and automatic code generation in order to determine whether they meet a set of quality metrics. Diverse quality metrics were considered such as effectiveness, productivity, safety, and satisfaction in order to carry out a qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The tools evaluated are CASE tools, frameworks, and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). The evaluation was conducted to measure not only the tools’ ability to be employed, but also their support for automated software development and automatic source code generation. The aim of this work is to provide a methodology and a brief review of the most important works to identify the main features of these works and present a comparative evaluation in qualitative and quantitative terms of quality metrics. This would provide software developers with the information they need to decide the tools that can be useful for them.
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