Requirements engineering based on knowledge: a comparative case study of the KMoS-RE strategy and the DMS process




knowledge management, tacit knowledge, empirical software engineering, requirements engineering


Nowadays, a difficult problem that software development companies are facing in the elicitation and discovering requirement process is the management of tacit knowledge, which is valuable information that for some reason remains hidden to the developers. The Knowledge Management on a Strategy for Requirements Engineering (KMoS-RE) is especially designed to face that problem and obtain a set of requirements that fulfi ll the clients’ needs and expectations. This paper presents the design and preliminary results of an empirical study that compares the KMoS-RE strategy with the requirements elicitation process proposed by MoProSoft; a Mexican software process model oriented to the specifi c needs of the software industry in Mexico. Preliminary results show that KMoS-RE seems to be more suitable than the before mentioned process proposed by MoProSoft.

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Author Biographies

Karla Olmos-Sánchez, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez

Research Professor. Center for Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Jorge Rodas Osollo, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez

Research professor. Center for Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Luis Fernández Martínez, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez

Research professor. Center for Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Victor Morales Rocha, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez

Research professor. Center for Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.


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How to Cite

Olmos-Sánchez, K., Rodas Osollo, J., Fernández Martínez, L., & Morales Rocha, V. (2015). Requirements engineering based on knowledge: a comparative case study of the KMoS-RE strategy and the DMS process. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (77), 88–94.