Raw materials for the ceramics industry from norte de santander. I. Mineralogical, chemical and physical characterization


  • Leonardo Cely-Illera Francisco de Paula Santander University




characterization, plasticity, grain size, extrusion, red pottery


This paper examines the main characteristics of a clay used for manufacturingceramic construction parts in the metropolitan area of San José de Cúcuta. The researchwas conducted using a sample of reddish clay of the Guayabo formation from the Zulia regionin Norte de Santander. The material was ground by dry process and the suitable procedurefor the preparation for the development of characterization analysis was performed as X-raydiffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle sizes by dry sieving and technical 152Hhydrometer. Their clay/quartz relationship, plasticity and behaviour in the process of dryingand firing were determined. The forming process used was extrusion. The research resultsshowed that the material is suitable for making structural and coating products for floors andwalls, in addition to shedding excellent properties for manufacturing refractory products.

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Author Biography

Leonardo Cely-Illera, Francisco de Paula Santander University

Architecture and Alternative Materials Research Group (GRAMA), Faculty of Industrial Engineering.


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How to Cite

Cely-Illera, L. (2016). Raw materials for the ceramics industry from norte de santander. I. Mineralogical, chemical and physical characterization. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (80), 31–37. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.n80a04