Fuzzy feedback algorithm for the spectral handoff in cognitive radio networks
cognitive radio, decision making, feedback algorithms, spectrum mobility, vertical handoffAbstract
This work proposes a feedback algorithm based on a Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process Method (FAHP) to improve decision making for the spectral handoff. We named it Feedback FAHP (FFAHP). To assess the performance level of the developed algorithms, a comparative analysis was made between the proposed FFAHP algorithm and the most relevant spectrum handoff algorithms in the current literature. These algorithms were assessed with the same decision criteria, which are, the probability of channel availability, estimated channel time availability, the signal to interference plus noise ratio and bandwidth. Unlike other related papers, benchmarking was validated through a trace of real spectrum occupation data captured in the frequency band GSM and Wi-Fi, which model the real behavior of primary users. In the validation phase, eight assessment scenarios were proposed to consider, two types of networks: GSM and Wi-Fi, two kinds of applications: real-time and best-effort, two traffic levels: high and low, and five evaluation metrics: number of handoffs, the number of failed handoff, bandwidth, delay, throughput. The results show that the proposed FFAHP Algorithm provides a performance improvement. The FFAHP Algorithm supplies an efficient and effective process for selecting frequency channels. The results indicate that the proposed FFAHP Algorithm provides a performance improvement. The FFAHP Algorithm supplies an efficient and effective method for selecting frequency channels. The results also show that the FFAHP Algorithm has a low average rate of handoffs, an effective use of the bandwidth, low delay and a high level of throughput; all these combined with the fact that the feedback implemented, stabilizes the system avoiding loops with consecutive hops to alternate frequencies.
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