Cold production from magnetic fields. Part II: Thermodynamic analysis


  • Juan Esteban Velásquez Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  • Farid Chejne Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Allan F. J. Hill Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



magnetic refrigeration, refrigeration cycle, magnetic work


In magnetic refrigeration a magnetic material undergoes temperature changes or heat interchanges with the environment when it is placed in a strong magnetic field. In this paper, a conventional cycle for magnetic refrigeration is analyzed. Expressions for the released and absorbed heat and the temperature changes at the different stages of the cycle are obtained from the first law of thermodynamics. Also, by means of the second law of the thermodynamics, equations for the work done, entropy change and ideal performance coefficient are obtained as a function of temperatures and magnetic material properties.

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Author Biographies

Juan Esteban Velásquez, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Instituto de Energía y Termodinámica

Farid Chejne, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Facultad de Minas

Allan F. J. Hill, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Instituto de Energía y Termodinámica


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Wu, Corina. “Magnetic Materials Keep Fridges Cool”. En: News. Vol. 153. No. 123. Mar, 1998. DOI:

Asimov, Isaac. Cronología de los Descubrimientos. Bar-celona. Ariel. 1997. p. 600, 635.

American Institute of Physics Handbook. New York. McGraw-Hill. 1957.




How to Cite

Velásquez, J. E., Chejne, F., & J. Hill, A. F. (2003). Cold production from magnetic fields. Part II: Thermodynamic analysis. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (30), 71–77.

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