Dense tracking, mapping and scene labeling using a depth camera


  • Andrés Alejandro Díaz-Toro University of Valle
  • Lina María Paz-Pérez Intel Corporation
  • Pedro Antonio Piniés-Rodríguez Intel Corporation
  • Eduardo Francisco Caicedo-Bravo University of Valle



dense reconstruction, camera tracking, depth sensor, volumetric representation, object detection, multiple instance labeling


We present a system for dense tracking, 3D reconstruction, and object detection of desktop-like environments, using a depth camera; the Kinect sensor. The camera is moved by hand meanwhile its pose is estimated, and a dense model, with evolving color information of the scene, is constructed. Alternatively, the user can couple the object detection module (YOLO: you only look once [1]) for detecting and propagating to the model information of categories of objects commonly found over desktops, like monitors, keyboards, books, cups, and laptops, getting a model with color associated to object categories. The camera pose is estimated using a model-to-frame technique with a coarse-to-fine iterative closest point algorithm (ICP), achieving a drift-free trajectory, robustness to fast camera motion and to variable lighting conditions. Simultaneously, the depth maps are fused into the volumetric structure from the estimated camera poses. For visualizing an explicit representation of the scene, the marching cubes algorithm is employed. The tracking, fusion, marching cubes, and object detection processes were implemented using commodity graphics hardware for improving the performance of the system. We achieve outstanding results in camera pose, high quality of the model’s color and geometry, and stability in color from the detection module (robustness to wrong detections) and successful management of multiple instances of the same category.

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Author Biographies

Andrés Alejandro Díaz-Toro, University of Valle

Perception and Intelligent Systems (PSI) Research Group, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Lina María Paz-Pérez, Intel Corporation

Researcher and Software Developer.

Pedro Antonio Piniés-Rodríguez, Intel Corporation

Researcher and Software Developer.

Eduardo Francisco Caicedo-Bravo, University of Valle

Perception and Intelligent Systems (PSI) Research Group, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Toro, A. A., Paz-Pérez, L. M., Piniés-Rodríguez, P. A., & Caicedo-Bravo, E. F. (2018). Dense tracking, mapping and scene labeling using a depth camera. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (86), 54–69.