Single pixel compressive spectral polarization imaging using a movable micro-polarizer array


  • Jorge Luis Bacca-Quintero Industrial University of Santander
  • Héctor Miguel Vargas-García Industrial University of Santander
  • Daniel Ricardo Molina-Velasco Industrial University of Santander
  • Henry Arguello-Fuentes Industrial University of Santander



stokes parameters, compressive sensing, spectral polarization images, images reconstruction


The acquisition of spectral polarization images is a method that obtains polarized, spectral and spatial information of a scene. Traditional acquisition methods use dynamic elements that capture all the information of a scene, by scanning the areas of interest, which result in large amounts of data proportional to the desired image resolution. Hence, in this work, the compression of spectral polarization images using a single pixel architecture, that uses a micro-polarizer array aligned with a binary coded aperture is proposed. The micro-polarizer is moved horizontally in each shot, so that diverse types of codifications from the scene are obtained. The proposed architecture allows several compressive 2D projections with spatial, spectral and polarization coding to be obtained. Stokes parameter images at several wavelengths are reconstructed. This architecture reduces the total number of measurements needed to obtain spectral polarization images compared to traditional acquisition methods. The experiments validate the quality of the architecture obtaining 43.19 dB, 37.49 dB and 30.41 dB of the peak signal-to-noise ratio for the first three Stokes parameters respectively. 

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Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Bacca-Quintero, Industrial University of Santander

School of Systems Engineering and Informatics.

Héctor Miguel Vargas-García, Industrial University of Santander

School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering.

Daniel Ricardo Molina-Velasco, Industrial University of Santander

School of Chemistry.

Henry Arguello-Fuentes, Industrial University of Santander

School of Systems Engineering and Informatics.


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How to Cite

Bacca-Quintero, J. L., Vargas-García, H. M., Molina-Velasco, D. R., & Arguello-Fuentes, H. (2018). Single pixel compressive spectral polarization imaging using a movable micro-polarizer array. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (88), 91–99.