Model simulation of heavy metals in river systems: case study the Negro river basin


  • Carlos Alberto Palacio Tobón University of Antioquia
  • Sara Cristina Vieira Agudelo University of Antioquia
  • Julio Cesar Saldarriaga Molina University of Antioquia
  • Luis Miguel Ruiz Jaramillo Gotta Engineering S.A.S.



surface water quality, ADZ-QUASAR, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty analysis, model calibration


This work describes a water quality model for heavy metals simulation in river systems. The proposed strategy comprises an 1D modeling approach with an ADZ-QUASAR extension to represent the behavior of heavy metals. This methodology seeks to strengthen their predictive capability based on the integration of variables which play an important role in the adsorption and desorption of these particles. The methodology was implemented in a reach of the Negro river (eastern side of Antioquia, Colombia), using Chromium, Copper and Nickel as heavy metals, because these are the heavy metals representative of the currents in the study area. Results are showing, with some degree of uncertainty, the capacity of the methodology to predict the behavior of environmental interesting substances, which makes it an important management tool.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Palacio Tobón, University of Antioquia

Associate Professor - Faculty of Engineering. Environmental Research and Management Group (GIGA), Environmental School.

Sara Cristina Vieira Agudelo, University of Antioquia

Associate Professor - Faculty of Engineering. Environmental Research and Management Group (GIGA), Environmental School.

Julio Cesar Saldarriaga Molina, University of Antioquia

Associate Professor - Faculty of Engineering. Environmental Research and Management Group (GIGA), Environmental School.


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How to Cite

Palacio Tobón, C. A., Vieira Agudelo, S. C., Saldarriaga Molina, J. C., & Ruiz Jaramillo, L. M. (2019). Model simulation of heavy metals in river systems: case study the Negro river basin. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (92), 19–35.