GHG diffuse emissions estimation, and energy security to ENSO using MERRA-2 for largely hydroelectricity-based system


  • Yohen Cuellar National Open and Distance University
  • J. S. Chiriví Salomón National Open and Distance University
  • Marco Guevara National University of Colombia
  • Harold David Cuadros Tejeda National Open and Distance University



energy supply, energy development, emission factor, air pollution, hydropower


In Colombia, hydropower share was 70 % of the total installed capacity and more than 50 % of the monthly generation share in 2015, which coincided with the strongest El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon reported in the region. ENSO has been recognized as an influential climate pattern on meteorological variables. The generation via hydropower implies the construction of dams and water reservoirs; these flooded areas generate an important amount of Green House Gases (GHG). In this regard, the main aim of this research was to quantify the diffusing emissions of CO2 and CH4 in the flooded areas of the main hydroelectric power generation facilities in Colombia. GHG emissions were calculated by the implementation of an IPCC methodology. The obtained results show that more than 1,042,500 t CO2-Eq (i.e. CO2 and CH4) are emitted in Colombia per year from this source, representing 4.4 % of the total GHG emissions in the country. As the second aim, the vulnerability of Colombia’s energy independence, in terms of power supply to ENSO and climate change was analyzed using the MERRA-2 dataset from NASA, for the years between 2010 and 2017.

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Author Biographies

Yohen Cuellar, National Open and Distance University

Chemical Engineer and Magister in Environmental Engineering. Conservation, Bioprospecting and Sustainable Development (COBIDES), School of Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences (ECAPMA).

J. S. Chiriví Salomón, National Open and Distance University

Professor and Researcher. Conservation, Bioprospecting and Sustainable Development (COBIDES), School of Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences (ECAPMA).

Marco Guevara, National University of Colombia

Chemical Engineer and Master in Chemical Engineering. GICA-Air Quality Research Group, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

Harold David Cuadros Tejeda, National Open and Distance University

Environmental engineer. Conservation, Bioprospecting and Sustainable Development (COBIDES), School of Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences (ECAPMA).


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How to Cite

Cuellar, Y., Chiriví Salomón, J. S., Guevara, M., & Cuadros Tejeda, H. D. (2019). GHG diffuse emissions estimation, and energy security to ENSO using MERRA-2 for largely hydroelectricity-based system. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (91), 70–82.