Magnetic refrigeration: analysis located electron model


  • John Jairo Hoyos Quintero Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Juan Esteban Velásquez Colorquímica
  • Farid Chejne Janna Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Alan Francis Hill Betancourt Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana



magnetic refrigeration, magnetocaloric effect, CurieWeiss law


Magnetic refrigeration is a technology with great commercial potential. Energy consumption and environmental impact associated with this technology are lower than those from conventional refrigeration systems. This paper presents the main aspects of the theory of the magnetocaloric effect. In addition, the application of the located electron model to magnetic refrigeration is analyzed. The model permits just a qualitative description of the behaviour of magnetocaloric effect in the vicinity of the magnetic transformation temperature.

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How to Cite

Hoyos Quintero, J. J. ., Velásquez, J. E. ., Chejne Janna, F. ., & Hill Betancourt, A. F. . (2005). Magnetic refrigeration: analysis located electron model. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (34), 52–58.