The temperature of compacting and energy influence in dynamics properties of an asphalt mixture


  • Óscar Javier Reyes Ortiz Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Javier Fernando Camacho Tauta Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Fredy Alberto Reyes Lizcano Pontificia Universidad Javeriana



dynamic module, temperature of compacting, mix asphalt, Marshall test


The temperature of asphalt mixtures varies significantly from the plant production to in-situ formation of the pavement structure, especially during the compacting process. Temperature differences from point to point generate segregation, mi- crofissures, and, especially, changes in the mechanical and dynamic properties of the mixture. In this laboratory study the effect of the temperature during the compacting process on the dynamic module, density, stability and flow of an asphalt mixture with gradation 0/10 and asphalt with penetration 60/70 was determined. When the compacting process was conducted at 100 and 150 oC reductions of: around 30%, 5% and 50% were obtained for dynamic module, density and stability, respectively.

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Author Biographies

Óscar Javier Reyes Ortiz, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Grupo Investigación Geotecnia. Centro de Investigaciones Facultad de Ingeniería.

Javier Fernando Camacho Tauta, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Grupo Investigación Geotecnia. Centro de Investigaciones Facultad de Ingeniería.

Fredy Alberto Reyes Lizcano, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Grupo Investigación CECATA. Facultad de Ingeniería.


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How to Cite

Reyes Ortiz, Óscar J. ., Camacho Tauta, J. F. ., & Reyes Lizcano, F. A. (2006). The temperature of compacting and energy influence in dynamics properties of an asphalt mixture. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (36), 121–130.