Optimization of water reservoir volume in an urban water supply system





Water supply, pumping regime, consumption regime, functional relationships


In this paper, the water pumping regime, as well as the water consumption
regime with regard to the required quantities and the example of water consumption,
with an emphasis on changes in water volume, are examined. This aims to show the
functioning of the regime of water consumption, water pumping, as well as finding
functional relationships between the mentioned sizes and the volume of the water
reservoir. The analysis focuses on questions such as how and in what way, changes
in the onset and duration of pumping, as well as different water consumption regimes
affect the size of the reservoir volume. The entire analysis in this paper was done to
develop a scientifically innovative, but also applicable mathematical model, which is a
contribution to the profession and a good basis for further scientific research to improve
the operation of the urban water supply system.

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Author Biographies

Lucija Plantak, University of Zagreb

MSc. Environmental Engineering. Geotechnical Engineering School

Bojan Đurin , University North

PhD. Civil Engineering Department

Tatjana Džeba, University of Mostar

MSc. Civil Engineering School, Hydrotehnics Department

Sara Dadar, University of Mashhad

Water Engineering Department


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How to Cite

Plantak, L., Đurin , B., Džeba, T., & Dadar, S. (2021). Optimization of water reservoir volume in an urban water supply system. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (104), 178–188. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.20210953