Estimation of the degree of internal recirculation in Internal Combustion Engines




cylinder’s filling, fuel’s molecular mass, volumetric fractions, gaseous fuels, hydrogen


The concepts of residual gas and admission (or volumetric efficiency) coefficients are used exclusively by specialists in the field of piston Internal Combustion Engines.  However, it is preferable to apply the concepts of volume fractions of components of the working mixture consisting of air, fuel, residual, and recirculating gases, for the evaluation of filling.  This simplifies and makes it more easy-to-grasp the influence of individual factors on the results of gas exchange processes. The proposed approach makes it possible to take into account the impact on the engine indicators of the molecular weight of the fuel used and the degree of external recirculation, as well as to reduce the number of independent variables. At the same time, the displacement coefficient A proposed by the author characterizes a decrease in filling when an engine with external mixing is switched to a gaseous fuel with a lower molecular weight. A change in the valve timing made it possible to produce an effect on the composition of the working mixture and, thereby, the environmental characteristics of the engine. In the case of external recirculation, it becomes necessary to estimate the summary fraction of neutral combustion products in the working mixture, on which all engine operation depended. This "overall degree of recirculation" can also be determined using the proposed approach.

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Author Biography

Leonid Matiukhin, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University

PhD. Department of "Heat Engineering and Internal Combustion Engines" of the Energy and Environmental Faculty of the Moscow


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How to Cite

Matiukhin, L. (2023). Estimation of the degree of internal recirculation in Internal Combustion Engines. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (110), 48–55.