Effects of the incorporation of steel fibers with plasticizer additive in concrete
Concrete, Mechanical properties, Steel fibers, plasticizer additiveAbstract
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the incorporation of steel fibers at 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%, as a function of concrete volume plus 1% plasticizing additive as a function of cement weight for control designs of resistance 210 kg/cm² and 280 kg/cm², on compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, and modulus of elasticity. Steel fibers with a length of 60 mm type KF 80/60 CH were used. The addition of the steel fiber did not significantly reduce the workability; however, the temperature showed a reduction with respect to the standard concrete specimen. The results showed that for the 210 kg/cm² and 280 kg/cm² concrete control designs, the optimum proportions were 2% and 4% of steel fibers, which increased the compressive strength, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity by 14.76%, 14.93% and 1.63% for the 210 kg/cm² strength control design and for the 280 kg/cm² strength control design increased by 16.29%, 16.95% and 13.75% with respect to the standard concrete strength. The results of this study show that steel fibers with a specific dosage of superplasticizer can be used for structural and non-structural concrete, being significantly influential in improving mechanical properties.
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