Utilization of treated water for building construction: A case study in Egypt
Water reclamation, Water reuse, Sustainable concrete, Splitting strenght, Capital city, Compressive strenght, SlumpAbstract
Due to rising living standards and population growth, saving fresh water will be a significant problem for the next generation. The Government is indirectly impacted by a significant financial burden due to the current usage of treated wastewater, in all of Egypt's districts. As a case study, Egypt's new administrative capital was chosen, given that it is today one of the most important cities and that its planning was predicated on making it a smart, sustainable city. The goal of the study was to develop methods for replacing potable water in the manufacture of concrete with tertiary-treated wastewater; however, used for concrete mixing or curing after concrete hardening. Property assessments of the fresh and hardened concrete were conducted, to ascertain the best water quality that can be used without compromising the quality or durability of the concrete. ; The results of this paper will serve as a guide for decision-makers looking to decrease costs and increase sustainability by using treated wastewater in making sustainable concrete for buildings, especially in recent decades, rising construction material usage has generated considerable environmental difficulties, particularly in the production of Ordinary Portland cement (OPC).
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