Preliminary results of irrigation management for mango using LSTM neural networks and IoT




IoT, irrigation management, LSTM neural networks, mango cultivation, trends forecasting


Mango cultivation in Colombia faces the impact of regional climate variability. To improve fruit development and minimize environmental and economic effects, it is necessary to implement efficient irrigation and appropriate water management technologies. In this study, we developed a trend forecasting system based on an LSTM neural network and technologies such as ThingsBoard, LoRA, and MQTT. The aim was to improve mango irrigation practices through informed decisions based on monitoring and predicting matric potential and evapotranspiration variables. This article describes the development and application of the system for mango irrigation management. Results validate the effectiveness of the proposed system for mango cultivation, with RMSE indices of 1.56 and 0.0019 and determination coefficients (R2) of 0.9989 and 0.9971 for matric potential and evapotranspiration, respectively. These findings support enhancing growth conditions and promoting sustainable practices. Despite data availability limitations, the system's efficacy in prediction and irrigation management demonstrates significant potential to maximize productivity and reduce the environmental and economic impacts of inadequate water management.

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Author Biographies

José Fernando Noguera-Polania, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Full-time professor at the engineering department   

Aldo de Jesús Daconte-Blanco, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Student, Engineering Department

José David Moreu-Ceballos, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Student, engineering department

Camilo José Linero-Ospino, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Student, Electronic Engineer

Ronald Steward Munera-Luque, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Student, Electronic Engineering

Pablo César Guevara-Barbosa, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Master, Business Administration. Rural Development Department


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How to Cite

Noguera-Polania, J. F., Daconte-Blanco, A. de J., Moreu-Ceballos, J. D., Linero-Ospino, C. J., Munera-Luque, R. S., & Guevara-Barbosa, P. C. (2024). Preliminary results of irrigation management for mango using LSTM neural networks and IoT. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia.



Research paper