Failure-Risk clustering of power transformers
Asset management, consequence factor, health index, maintenance, Power TransformerAbstract
When assessing the risk of power transformer (PT) failure, routine test results can be used to estimate the condition of each unit and group those that share similar issues. Since the transformer is one of the most expensive and essential components within a power system, this study aims to present a methodology for grouping PTs with similar health problems and Consequences of Failure (CoF). This document presents two grouping options to identify which provide greater benefit in defining the maintenance scheme. To evaluate the CoF, the consequence factor found in the United Kingdom Distribution Network Operators (DNO) methodology is used, which considers factors such as overload to other assets, average load supplied by the unit, critical loads fed, oil volume, proximity to other buildings, and unavailability penalties, among others. This approach is evaluated on a fleet of 39 power transformers. The results show that the combination of the Health Index (HI) and the Consequence Factor leads to consistent indices for risk assessment of the units.
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