Regulation and Welfare: Assessing the Regulation of Electricity and Water Supply Utilities in Colombia During the 1990s. The Case of Empresas Públicas de Medellín


  • Luis Guillermo Vélez Álvarez EAFIT University
  • Andrés Ramírez Hassan EAFIT University
  • Liz Jeanneth Londoño Sierra EAFIT University
  • Yudy Helena Giraldo Pérez Metropolitan Technological Institute
  • Daniel Londoño Cano EAFIT University



regulation, public utilities, counterfactual analysis, elasticities, equivalent variation


Public utilities reforms in the nineties introduced institutional and methodological changes in the price regulation of electricity and water supply utilities in Colombia. This paper, in addition to outlining these changes, evaluates welfare effects through a counterfactual scenario and the measurement of equivalent variation. With the counterfactual, we analyze how prices would have evolved had reforms not been made, while the equivalent variation assesses the impact of reforms on consumers’ welfare. To calculate the equivalent variation, an Almost Ideal Demand System is first estimated to obtain price and expenditure elasticities. In general, we conclude that regulation led to a consumer welfare loss.

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Author Biographies

Luis Guillermo Vélez Álvarez, EAFIT University

Professor and Researcher, EAFIT University. Applied Microeconomics Group.

Andrés Ramírez Hassan, EAFIT University

Professor and Researcher, EAFIT University. Applied Microeconomics Group.

Liz Jeanneth Londoño Sierra, EAFIT University

Teacher and Researcher, EAFIT University. Applied Microeconomics Group.

Yudy Helena Giraldo Pérez, Metropolitan Technological Institute

Teacher and Researcher, Metropolitan Technological Institute. Finance Group.

Daniel Londoño Cano, EAFIT University

Student, EAFIT University


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How to Cite

Vélez Álvarez, L. G., Ramírez Hassan, A., Londoño Sierra, L. J., Giraldo Pérez, Y. H., & Londoño Cano, D. (2011). Regulation and Welfare: Assessing the Regulation of Electricity and Water Supply Utilities in Colombia During the 1990s. The Case of Empresas Públicas de Medellín. Lecturas De Economia, 74(74), 231–270.


