An Overview of Educational Policies Regarding the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Brazil


  • Carolina Paola Tramallino National University of Rosario, National Scientific and Technical Research Council
  • Antonia Nilda Alves Federal Institute of Maranhão



glottopolitics, teaching, Spanish, foreign language, Brazil


The link between the teaching of foreign languages and educational policies in Brazilian schools is shown.
First, the language policies in Brazil applied in education were reviewed, especially in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language after the passage of 11.161/05 Act. An inquiry about the positioning of other foreign languages over Spanish was also done, given the need for a lingua franca and regional integration as a matter of glottopolitics. Finally, an educational experience of integrated courses at the Federal Institute of Maranhão was examined, recognizing the political dimension in language
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Author Biographies

Carolina Paola Tramallino, National University of Rosario, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Professor of Letters, she is part of the General Linguistic Chair I of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the National University of Rosario (Argentina). Doctor of Linguistics and Postdoctoral Fellow of CONICET. Her field of research is that of computational linguistics applied to the acquisition of Spanish as a second language, serving as director of research projects related to this subject.

Antonia Nilda Alves, Federal Institute of Maranhão

Professor in Spanish Letters and Respective Literatures by the Atenas Maranhense Faculty  FAMA, Brazil. In 2004, she specialized in Spanish Teaching Methodology by the Franciscan Higher Ensino Institute. She entered as a full professor of Spanish at the Federal Institute in the city of Doca from 2008 to 2012. Currently, she works on the campus of Sao Luís Maracan in the city of Sao Luís, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Tramallino, C. P., & Alves, A. N. (2021). An Overview of Educational Policies Regarding the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language in Brazil. Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(79), 150–163.