Legal Arguments and Linguistic Arguments: When the Language in Use Reveals Prejudices




legal language, theory of argumentation in language, linguistic argumentation, gender prejudice


Based on the theory of argumentation in language, this work studied the legal argumentation under the principles of linguistic argumentation, in sentences of crimes committed against women, to evidence if there were indications of possible remnants of biased enunciation. The last ten sentences judged for each year (2014-2018) were requested from a district court from the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Through the analysis of the argumentative chains, it was possible to reach an interface between linguistic and legal arguments, showing utterances and enunciators that still end up propagating prejudiced discourses against women
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Author Biographies

Daiane Valerio, University of Taquari Valley

Graduated in Letters from the University of Taquari Valley (Univates). Professor of Portuguese Language of the municipal public network of Doutor Ricardo - RS (Brazil).

Kári Lúcia Forneck, University of Taquari Valley

PhD in Letters from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). Professor of the Course of Letters and the Graduate Program in Teaching of the University of Taquari Valley (Univates).


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How to Cite

Valerio, D., & Forneck, K. L. (2021). Legal Arguments and Linguistic Arguments: When the Language in Use Reveals Prejudices . Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(79), 256–270.