Where the Wild Sociocriticism Are: A Socicritical Approach to the Picturebook Where the Wild Things Are
children's literature, sociocriticism, picture book, literary criticism, Where the Wild Things Are, Where the Wild things AreAbstract
Sociocriticism moves away from the common tendency of other perspectives of sociological literary criticism —which avoid delving into textual structures— and formulates a way of investigating the social complexity within the text. Our study proposes to go a step further, to carry out a sociocritical approach to a picturebook with the intention of comparing the efficiency of this discipline when applied to Children»s Literature. Starting from the definition of «picturebook» and its components, we will advance through intratextual microsemiotics, in observance of structural contradictions to reach its socio-ideological projection in the children's story.
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- 2023-03-13 (2)
- 2023-03-13 (1)
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