Social skills and behavior in children during the dental appointment in a school teaching and dental assistance, Cartagena (Colombia)


  • Ketty Ramos-Martínez Universidad de Cartagena
  • Lizelia Margarita Alfaro-Zolá Universidad de Cartagena
  • Lesbia Rosa Tirado-Amador Universidad de Cartagena
  • Farith González-Martínez Universidad de Cartagena



Behavior, Behavior disorder, Children, Dental care


Introduction: the goal of this study was to describe the social skills, behavior, and related problems of children during dental consultation at a teaching care center in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. Methods: this was a cross sectional study in 205 children aged 5 to 8 years receiving dental treatment in the area of study and evaluated by the Frankl scale, the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales (PKBS), and a survey about family and socio-demographic factors. The analysis was performed by means of averages (±DE), t-tests, one-way analysis of variance (Anova), and Chi square tests. Results: the Frankl scale showed higher positive behaviors. The findings obtained in the social skills dimension for the “help a friend in trouble” item showed higher averages as age progressed: age 5 (1.46), age 6 (1.57), age 7 (1.74), age 8 (1.77) (p<0.03). There was a difference for the type of clinic where care was provided (p˂0.05). Concerning behavioral problems, some items showed differences in terms of age (p˂0.05), sex (p˂0.05), and type of clinic (p˂0.05). Conclusions: some environmental factors and personal relationships influence the social skills, behavior, and related problems in children.

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Author Biographies

Ketty Ramos-Martínez, Universidad de Cartagena

DMD. Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Master’s Degree in Public Health. Associate Professor. School of Dentistry. Universidad de Cartagena.

Lizelia Margarita Alfaro-Zolá, Universidad de Cartagena

DMD Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Adjunct Professor. School of Dentistry. Universidad de Cartagen

Lesbia Rosa Tirado-Amador, Universidad de Cartagena

DMD Young Colciencias researcher. GISPOUC Public Health Research Group. School of Dentistry. Universidad de Cartagena

Farith González-Martínez, Universidad de Cartagena

DMD PhD(s). Associate Professor, Department Research, School of Dentistry, Universidad de Cartagena, Director of the GISPOUC Public Health Research Group


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How to Cite

Ramos-Martínez, K., Alfaro-Zolá, L. M., Tirado-Amador, L. R., & González-Martínez, F. (2015). Social skills and behavior in children during the dental appointment in a school teaching and dental assistance, Cartagena (Colombia). Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 27(1), 86–107.

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