Early rehabilitation of bilateral cleft lip and palate patients using an orthopaedic appliance and gingivo-periosteoplasty: pilot study


  • Ana María Cerón-Zapata Universidad de Antioquia
  • Ana María López-Palacio Universidad de Antioquia
  • Alonso Enrique Cano-Acosta Universidad de Antioquia
  • Sergio Alejandro Toro-Herrera Universidad de Antioquia
  • Elizabeth Ramírez Universidad de Antioquia




Bilateral cleft lip and palate, Pre-surgical orthopedics, Gingival-periosteoplasty


Introduction: premaxilla repositioning in cases of bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) by means of intraoral devices has been a controversial aspect in its treatment. This study presents a therapeutic proposal for early intraoral dynamic orthopedics for out community. The objective was to evaluate the results obtained by using a mucosa bony supported intra oral device along with gingiva-periostioplasty surgery as part of the initial lip closure in cases of complete BCLP. Methodology: 4 babies with complete BCLP, 20 weeks old were evaluated, 3 boys and 1 girl. Every patient received an intra oral mucosa bony supported device. After the orthopedic result, a primary rhino cheiloplasty and a gingival periostioplasty were performed. Models of the upper arch were compared before and after the orthopedic treatment with digital measurements that were then subjected to descriptive statistical analysis; bone formation was evaluated by means of computerized tomography 6 months after the gingival periostioplasty. Results: every patient achieved retraction of the maxilla and a satisfactorily alveolar alignment. There was bone formation in 3 of the 6 sites in which the gingival-periosteoplasty was performed. Conclusions: pre-surgical orthopedic treatment with an intraoral-appliance can successfully improve mal-alignment of the pre-maxilla in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate, and allows bone formation when it is followed by gingival-periosteoplasty. This protocol represents a practical option for treatment in cases with protrusion of the pre-maxilla in our community.

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Author Biographies

Ana María Cerón-Zapata, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesora auxiliar, Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia Odontóloga, CES, especialista en Odontopediatría y Ortodoncia Preventiva, CES.

Ana María López-Palacio, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesora asistente, Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia Odontóloga, CES, especialista en Odontología Integral del Niño Universidad de Antioquia.

Alonso Enrique Cano-Acosta, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesor Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia. Odontólogo, Universidad Autónoma, especialista en Odontología Integral del Adolescente Universidad de Antioquia.


Sergio Alejandro Toro-Herrera, Universidad de Antioquia

Residente Odontología Integral del Adolescente y Ortodoncia, Universidad de Antioquia.


Elizabeth Ramírez, Universidad de Antioquia

Estudiante X semestre Odontología Universidad de Antioquia.




How to Cite

Cerón-Zapata, A. M., López-Palacio, A. M., Cano-Acosta, A. E., Toro-Herrera, S. A., & Ramírez, E. (2009). Early rehabilitation of bilateral cleft lip and palate patients using an orthopaedic appliance and gingivo-periosteoplasty: pilot study. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 19(1), 90–99. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.2437

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