Censo de los odontólogos radicados en montería y caracterización de su papel profecinal, laboral y sociol


  • Jaime Alberto Castro-Núñez Universidad de Antioquia




Census, Montería, Dentists, Social role


The dentists living in Montería were censed to point out their protessionel, working and social roles and compare them with the empiric dentists. The methodology used was census by direct matching and there were made the previous Iist of the sample for information given by sectional of Colombian Dental Associstion, Local Health Secretery, professional guide, telephone guide and some other sourceso Data collection was using survey and was analyzed and systematized. There are 161 dentists but, because of the dropouts and missing intormetion, the qualitative analysis was made on 128. It was found that the greater part of the dentists got their major in the universities of Cartagena and Metropolitana. 51.56% ha ve postgraduate studies mainly in universities located in Colombia, Mexico and Argentina. 96.09%of the sample has tbeir dental office in downtown.

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How to Cite

Castro-Núñez, J. A. (2009). Censo de los odontólogos radicados en montería y caracterización de su papel profecinal, laboral y sociol. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 12(1), 68–71. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.2468