Factores de riesgo en enfermedad periodontal


  • Leticia Botero-Zuluaga Universidad de Antioquia
  • Fanny Stella Alvear-E.
  • Hernando Velasquez-Echeverri




Periodontal disease, Risk factors, Environmental factors, Host factors, Bacterial factors


There are risk factors in the development of periodontal disease, which must be identified before the disease begins, in orden to prevent on at least minimize its effects. The term risk should be used to indicate a predisposition to destructive periodontitis for a patient that hasn't been affected by the disease and it also indicates that a disease although is in a dormant period can be activated again. In this scheme of risk factors there is a relationship between bacterias, environmental markers and host response to develop the disease; a potentially pathogenic bacteria can be compatible to periodontal health, nevertheless, if the environment and the host response are present in this scheme as risk factors, the specific bacteria can promote activity in the disease. Presently, the means by wich under this risk scheme the disease can be identified, are:

- In FGC, high enzimes levels derived from PMN and low IgA levels

- In cultures, high periodontal pathogenic levels

- In serum, reduced IgG antibodies levels to the periodontal reported pathogenic

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How to Cite

Botero-Zuluaga, L., Alvear-E., F. S., & Velasquez-Echeverri, H. (2016). Factores de riesgo en enfermedad periodontal. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 7(1), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.27082

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