Evaluación de los posgrados de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia entre 1982 y 1995 (componentes curricular y administrativo)*


  • Nury Ossa-de D. Universidad de Antioquia
  • Carmen Sofía Gualdrón-M. Universidad de Antioquia




Curricular, Evaluation, Administration, Plans of study, Course


The curricular and administrative components were considered in one articule because the two form an unity. In the curricula was analized the general objectives, study plans, courses, contents, methods, evaluation and programs. It was done by using differents instruments such as inquires and interviews among the different people involved such as: alumni, students, professors, coordinators, and the existing documentation. In relation to the administrative aspect, was evaluated the organizations, the planing control, location, administratives tactics, orientation politics of the graduate studies directive organism, the normative and everything related to material resources, infrastructure, bibliografics resources and didactic aids.

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How to Cite

Ossa-de D., N., & Gualdrón-M., C. S. (2017). Evaluación de los posgrados de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia entre 1982 y 1995 (componentes curricular y administrativo)*. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 9(2), 12–22. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.326902