The impact of mass media on the access to oral care and hygiene information in Peru, 2013-2016
Oral health, Mass media, Access to health servicesAbstract
Introduction: mass media are new ways of transmitting health information, making it easily available to the public. The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of mass media on the access to oral care and hygiene information among the Peruvian population in the period 2013-2016. Methods: longitudinal observational study using databases of the Demography and Family Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar, ENDES) from 2013 to 2016 and the following variables: access to information, organism and sector supplier of information, geographic area, natural region, and year. This study also involved a descriptive, bivariate (chi-squared) and multivariate analysis (Poisson Loglinear Regression) with a confidence level of 95% and p<0.05. Results: the proportion of access to oral care and hygiene information in the mass media by children under 12 years of age was 12.8% in 2013, decreasing to 8.94% in 2016. There was a positive impact of mass media as providers of information on oral health care adjusted by geographic area and natural region: 2013 with prevalence ratio (PR) 1.96 (1.89-2.02); 2014 with PR 1.85 (1.82-1.87); 2015 with PR 1.61 (1.60-1.63); 2016 with PR 1.62 (1.60-1.64) and 2013-2016 with PR 1.69 (1.68-1.79). Conclusions: access to oral care and hygiene information provided by the media has been declining in Peru; however, the media generally have an increased positive impact in this regard, compared to other information suppliers, even considering users’ geographic area and natural region.
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