Association between access to oral hygiene information and toothbrushing among children in Peru
Access to information, Oral hygiene, Toothbrushing, ChildAbstract
Introduction: the aim of this study was to determine the association between access to oral hygiene information and toothbrushing in children under 12 years in Peru in 2017. Methods: cross-sectional study of secondary data using the database of the 2017 Demographic and Family Health Survey (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar, ENDES). The association between access to oral hygiene information and toothbrushing was estimated using multivariate regression analysis. The sample consisted of 24,076 records of children. The dependent variable was information about toothbrushing practices (daily toothbrushing, toothbrushing frequency and toothpaste use) and the independent variable was access to oral hygiene information. Covariables included sex, age, area of residence, and natural region. Results: the prevalence of access to oral hygiene information was 62.39%. A significant association was found between 2 of the 3 toothbrushing practices reported and access to oral hygiene information, with children under 12 years being more likely to brush teeth daily (PR = 1.03; 95% CI 1.02-1.05) and with a toothbrushing frequency 2 to more times a day (PR = 1.06; 95% CI 1.04 - 1.08) compared to children who did not receive hygiene and oral care information. The use of toothpaste was not associated with access to oral hygiene information. Conclusion: there is an association between daily toothbrushing, toothbrushing frequency and access to oral hygiene information in children in Peru in 2017.
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