Marginal adaptation and internal fit of zirconia-ytrya frameworks fabricated with Procera® and Cerec in-lab® cad/cam systems


  • Carlos Bernardo Caparroso-Pérez Universidad de Antioquia
  • Diana Virginia Marín-Muñoz Universidad de Antioquia
  • Alejandro Echavarría-Velásquez Universidad de Antioquia



Zirconia-ytria Procera, Zirconia ytria Cerec in Lab, CAD/CAM, Marginal adaptation, Internal adjustment


Introduction: the purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the marginal adaptation and internal fit in zirconia ytrya frameworks fabricated with Procera® and Cerec In-lab® CAD/CAM systems. Methods: fifteen prefabricated implant abutments were divided in three equally sized groups; noble metal alloy Pd-Au structures were then fabricated (control group), Procera® and Cerec In-lab YZ cubes® (n = 5). The marginal gap was determined by measuring 8 points around the abutment circumference taking the distance between the margin of the structure and the abutment. In order to determine internal fit, 8 measures were taken from the abutment´s external surface to the internal surface of the restoration. The measures were done with an optical microscope (50X). The data was the statistically analyzed using 1-way ANOVA, Student’s paired t test and Dunnett´test. Results: marginal adaptation mean for the control group was 18.24±4.81μm and Procera® 21.62 μm ±12.15 μm, while the average for Cerec In-lab® was 47 34 μm ±17.72 μm. The internal fit for the control group was 34,60 μm ±16.16 μm and Procera® group was of 118.67 μm ±50.84 μm in average and Cerec In-lab® 65.62 μm ±25.80 μm. Conclusions: the metal alloy and zirconia ytrya frameworks fabricated with Procera® and Cerec In-lab® CAD/CAM systems showed clinically acceptable marginal gap values. The internal fit values for metal alloy and Cerec® frameworks are within the ranges reported in the literature. While the mean for the Procera® group was 118.67 μm ±50.84, which is close to the internal fit maximum limit reported in the literature, there was no statistically significant difference when compared with the Cerec-In-lab® system.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Bernardo Caparroso-Pérez, Universidad de Antioquia

Dentist, specialist in Comprehensive Adult Dentistry with emphasis on Prosthodontics, Master's in Higher Education, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Antioquia.

Diana Virginia Marín-Muñoz, Universidad de Antioquia

Graduate student of Comprehensive Adult Dentistry with an emphasis on Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Antioquia.

Alejandro Echavarría-Velásquez, Universidad de Antioquia

metallurgical engineer, specialist, M.Sc., Ph.D., associate professor, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Universidad de Antioquia



How to Cite

Caparroso-Pérez, C. B., Marín-Muñoz, D. V., & Echavarría-Velásquez, A. (2011). Marginal adaptation and internal fit of zirconia-ytrya frameworks fabricated with Procera® and Cerec in-lab® cad/cam systems. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 22(2), 186–197.

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