Vol. 26 No. 1 (2014): Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia
Editorial 26(1)
|Abstract = 239 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 50 veces|
Head circumference growth curves in children 0 to 3 years of age. a new approach
|Abstract = 617 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 76 veces| -
Orthodontic treatment needs according to the dental aesthetic index in 12-year-old adolescents, Chile
|Abstract = 652 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 176 veces| -
Ex vivo evaluation of the retention of procera® zirconia-yttria systems with different cements
|Abstract = 363 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 72 veces| -
In vitro evaluation of the effect of hydrofluoric acid concentration and application time on adhesion to lithium disilicate
|Abstract = 503 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 117 veces| -
effect of silver diamine fluoride on caries induced in Wistar rats
|Abstract = 642 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 155 veces| -
Chewing side preference in children with cleft palate: concordance of three methods
|Abstract = 260 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 64 veces| -
Prevalence of dental enamel defects in children and adolescents from pasto, Colombia
|Abstract = 384 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 370 veces| -
Iberic-american and Colombian open access scientific dental journals
|Abstract = 1191 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 185 veces|
Predisposing factors for gingival inflammation associated with steel crowns on temporary teeth in the pediatric population: a systematic literature review
|Abstract = 754 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 276 veces|
the role of notch signaling pathway in the development of craniofacial structures
|Abstract = 431 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 783 veces|
Combined orthodontic-periodontal treatment in patients with treated and controlled aggressive periodontitis
|Abstract = 891 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 628 veces|