Combined orthodontic-periodontal treatment in patients with treated and controlled aggressive periodontitis
Orthodontics, Periodontics, Aggressive periodontitisAbstract
Accurate diagnosis of aggressive periodontitis (AP) requires taking into account information obtained from the interview with the patient and from clinical periodontal examination, radiographic evaluation, and laboratory tests when needed. AP treatment is aimed at reducing or eliminating triggering agents, managing risk factors, and correcting effects on periodontal tissues. Before starting orthodontic treatment in an AP patient, it is necessary to perform a detailed evaluation by both specialties. This article describes a combined periodontal-orthodontic therapy in four young patients with localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP) and generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP). A complete periodontal treatment was first conducted. After completely reducing inflammation and stabilizing the periodontium, the clinicians started the orthodontic treatment by using moderate forces along with periodontal monitoring, thus reaching the aesthetic and functional objectives set when treatment started.
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