Scanning electron microscopy analysis of two endodontically treated teeth subjected to high temperaturas: a pilot study


  • Freddy Moreno-Gómez Universidad del Valle
  • Carlos Mejía-Pavony Universidad del Valle



Forensic dentistry, Human identification, Dental tissues, Dental material of endodontic udr, High temperatures, Scanning electron microscopy, SEM, Spectrophotometry


Introduction: the objective of this study was to describe the physicochemical changes occurring in dental tissues and materials used in a conventional endodontic treatment when subjected to high temperatures, by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Methods: in vitro, two human premolar teeth were subjected to temperatures of 200°C and 400°C respectively, with the purpose of standardizing a technique for the observation of physical and chemical changes in dental tissues (enamel and dentin) and dental materials commonly used in endodontic treatment (root canal gutta-percha and epoxy resin-based endodontic cement). Results: both the tissues and the dental materials analyzed in this pilot study presented great resistance to high temperatures without significantly changing their macrostructure; therefore, the physical changes (dimensional stability, cracks, crevices, fractures, texture, carbonization) and the chemical ones (constituent chemical elements) may turn out to be identifiable and associated with each specific temperature range by means of SEM and spectrophotometric analysis. Conclusions: dental tissues and materials display great resistance to the action of high temperatures, without significantly altering their macrostructure. Similarly, they experience physical and chemical changes that may contribute to the process of identification of a corpse or human remains that have been burned, incinerated or charred.

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Author Biographies

Freddy Moreno-Gómez, Universidad del Valle

Dentist. Professor at the Escuela de Odontología of Universidad del Valle. Student of the MA on Biomedical Sciences at Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle. Research Group on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Escuela de Odontología, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle

Carlos Mejía-Pavony, Universidad del Valle

Dentist. Magister on Morphology. Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle. Professor at the Escuela de Odontología of Universidad del Valle. Research Group on Soft and Mineralized Tissues, Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle.



How to Cite

Moreno-Gómez, F., & Mejía-Pavony, C. (2011). Scanning electron microscopy analysis of two endodontically treated teeth subjected to high temperaturas: a pilot study. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 23(1), 22–36.

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