Radiographic description of titanium and fiberglass posts cemented in human premolars subjected to high temperatures in vitro for forensic purposes
Forensic dentistry, Identification of victims, Dental tissues, Endodontic materials, Titanium posts, Fiberglass, High temperatures, Conventional radiographyAbstract
Introduction: during the process of forensic identification of corpses and burnt, carbonized, or incinerated human remains, the analysis of materials used in dental treatments is a reliable marker for accurate identification. The objective of this study was to describe the radiographic changes of titanium and fiberglass posts cemented in human premolars subjected to high temperatures for forensic purposes. Methods: this was a pseudo-experimental in vitro study to observe the radiographic changes of dental tissues (enamel, dentin, and cement) and the following endodontic materials: gutta-percha (Wave One® by Dentsply Maillefer®), obturation material (Top Seal® by Dentsply Maillefer®), post cementation material (Relyx TM ARC by 3M ESPE®), titanium posts (Tenax® Endodontic Post System by Coltene®), and fiberglass posts (Tenax® Fiber Trans by Coltene®) in 30 human teeth subject to five temperature ranges: 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000° C. Results: the studied dental tissues and materials are highly resistant to high temperatures without significantly changing their macrostructure (fissures, cracks, fractures, and fragmentation), in such a way that the physical changes can be identified through conventional radiography and associated with each specific temperature range. Conclusions: posts cemented in human premolars have great resistance to the action of high temperatures, so they can be observed through conventional radiography thus contributing to the process of identification and documentation of the medico-legal autopsy of a corpse or human remains that have been burned, incinerated, or carbonized.
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