Effects of led/laser on the enamel due to exposure during dental bleaching


  • Andrea Katerine Durán Universidad del Valle
  • Ángela Cristina Lucumí Universidad del Valle
  • Lina María Zapata Universidad del Valle
  • Henry Correa Universidad del Valle
  • Herney Garzón Universidad del Valle




Dental laser, Dental bleaching, Hydrogen peroxide


Introduction: the objective of this study was to identify the clinical and morphological laser effects on human vital teeth during dental bleaching procedures. Methods: this experimental study included 11 patients ages 21 to 35, from whom 22 healthy premolar teeth, with no restorations, fractures or crown defects were collected. These premolar teeth were extracted because of orthodontic reasons. The effects of performing dental bleaching with GC TiON® (GC dental, Washington, USA), and with and without LED/Laser Ultrablue IV (DMC Equipments Sao Paulo, Brasil) were compared. The teeth were divided into three groups: control group (n = 2), group 1 (n = 10), using GC TiON® with laser, and group 2 (n = 10), using GC TiON® without laser. After extraction, the teeth were conserved in distilled water. Color monitoring was performed before and after each whitening session. Alterations on the buccal surface of the samples were analyzed by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Results: 85% of the teeth (17) did not show enamel alterations, 10% (2 teeth) presented mild alterations, and only 5% (1 tooth) suffered moderate enamel alterations. No significant color change difference occurred among the groups; out of the 20 samples, 6 of them reached tone B1 in the first session, 7 in the second session, and 7 more in the third one. Conclusions: Scanning Electron Microscopy did not reveal severe damage in dental structure. No significant difference in teeth whitening level occurred.

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Author Biographies

Andrea Katerine Durán, Universidad del Valle

Dentist, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Ángela Cristina Lucumí, Universidad del Valle

Dentist, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Lina María Zapata, Universidad del Valle

Dentist, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Henry Correa, Universidad del Valle

Dentist, Orthodontics Specialist. Private office

Herney Garzón, Universidad del Valle

Dentist. Oral Rehabilitation Specialist. Professor, School of Dentistry, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia. 



How to Cite

Durán, A. K., Lucumí, Ángela C., Zapata, L. M., Correa, H., & Garzón, H. (2012). Effects of led/laser on the enamel due to exposure during dental bleaching. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 23(2), 256–267. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.9941