Governing Attention: On Ethical-Political Effects of Psychological Testing



Palabras clave:

psychological test, attention, governmentality, science, technology and society, production of subjectivities


This paper aims, as a reflection study, to investigate some processes associated with the modulation of the perception of the subjects of contemporary societies through a historical exam of the emergence and use of tests of concentrated attention, mainly the Toulouse-Piéron tests. For this purpose, Michel Foucault’s and Nikolas Rose’s concept of governmentality and Bruno Latour’s concept of immutable-mobiles are taken as instruments of analysis. Changes in the regimes of attention are analyzed through the narratives of: Kurt Danziger about the constitution of the concept of intelligence; Jonathan Crary about the crisis of the modern individual’s capacity for perceptual synthesis; and Lev Manovich about the constitution of the body as an information domain in contemporary societies. Applying this theoretical set to the field of psychological testing, we clarify the emergence of attention tests in France, focusing on Toulouse’s notion of “biocracy”. Then, we examine contemporary PhD. theses, dissertations and articles about the test, tracking displacements in its use, involving age group, neuroscientific correlates and motivation for its use. We conclude that these displacements point to the emergence of ways of modulating attention in accordance with the demands of efficiency and initiative prominent in contemporary societies.
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Biografía del autor/a

César Pessoa Pimentel, universidad federal de Rio de Janeiro

PhD Student at the Institute of Psychology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Marcus Vinícius do Amaran Gama Santos, universidad federal de Rio de Janeiro

Master's student with CAPES scholarship in Psychology at the Graduate Program in Psychosociology of Communities and Social Ecology (EICOS) at the Institute of Psychology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


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2022-02-18 — Actualizado el 2022-03-26

Cómo citar

Pessoa Pimentel, C., & do Amaran Gama Santos, M. V. (2022). Governing Attention: On Ethical-Political Effects of Psychological Testing. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 13(2), 1–22.