Aplicability of legal orders urbans curatorship about the space and territory.





space, territory, aplicabillity, urban curatorship, public, prívate


What aplicability do the legal order of Urban Law have around the territory and the space how urban categories that direct the urban transformation in Colombia between 2000-2007? It is the question of this project, integrated by urban legal regulations in Colombia and by the powers involved in their exercise, application and control. Although the problem is around of efficiency in the application of the normative about space and territory, the Urbans Curatorship are connected with the development of social dynamic that problematize the normative application, because they are the organization constitutionally and legally competent to attend the treatment of the cases of urban transformations through of the application in the urban scene in the country.

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Author Biography

Jorge Eduardo Vásquez Santamaría, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Lawyer and candidate for a Master's Degree in Law, Universidad de Medellín. Funlam University Research Teaching Specialist. Research professor, leader of the Legal and Social Research Group of Funlam. Member of the Colombian Association of Regional Urban Researchers - ACIUR


DECRETO 2150 de 1995, Por el cual se suprimen y reforman regulaciones, procedimientos o trámites innecesarios existentes en la Administración Pública.



How to Cite

Vásquez Santamaría, J. E. (2011). Aplicability of legal orders urbans curatorship about the space and territory. Estudios De Derecho, 68(151), 13–36. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.esde.10088