Typicality in the sanctioning administrative law.


  • María Lourdes Ramírez Torrado Universidad del Norte




typicality, sanctioning administrative law, norms, administrative sanctions


The typicality principle as well as other legal institutions has a mixed application in the sanctioning administrative field. As there is no norm regulating in a general way the exercise of the sanctioning punitive power of the Public Administration. It is necessary to revise and analyze the constitutional doctrine as well as the scientific one which has dealt with the matter. All this with the aim of making clear the real implications of the principle. To achieve this objective we turned to the decisions of the maximum constitutional interpreter which has dealt with this principle for the last 20 years and at the same time to the national and international scientific doctrine which has also dealt with this issue.

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Author Biography

María Lourdes Ramírez Torrado, Universidad del Norte

Doctor in Administrative Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Master in Human Rights from the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). Lawyer, from the Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla. Research professor, attached to the Research Group on Law and Political Science (GIDECP), Universidad del Norte



How to Cite

Ramírez Torrado, M. L. (2011). Typicality in the sanctioning administrative law. Estudios De Derecho, 68(151), 37–50. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.esde.10089