The public university and the cultural and ethnic diversity under the light of the 1991 constitution.
Higher educationAbstract
The University has responded to the higher education demand by indigenous people with “special admission programs” by the view of the “individual’s inclusion” that makes an indigenous professionals with low social and cultural relevance. The student who comes from the indigenous guards has a many problems to affront, in the access, the permanence to end their superior formation with success. In a society with diversity is necessary to recognize and support different education and University models. The University has to paint itself of “Colombia” and how a consequence we have an intercultural university. University that manages the dialog between different kinds of knowledge, teaching modes and learning; implements relations of collaboration in the production, appropriation, empowerment, and transmission of knowledge; advantages the different knowledge to solve the problematic and make a better future. University can contribute to the social transformation respectful intercultural relationships, equal and mutual valuation. That’s the way how materializes the recognizing and protection of the ethnic and cultural diversity and contributes to the construction of a democratic, participative and plural Republic.
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