Nicolás maquiavelo’s philosophy and religion
Maquiavelo, religion, Rome, ChristianityAbstract
You cannot qualify as an atheist philosopher Maquiavello, as both God and religion, were present in his works. While his interpretation of history is marked by a strong . This concept outlined in studying the role played by it in the history of Rome. So, distinguished use of religion as a civilizing, another instrumental, which was manipulated for the purposes of the State. The latter use was strongly criticized by thinkers such as Pedro de Ribadeneyra, who wrote a treatise to anathematize his doctrine. It also made harsh criticism of early Christianity as contrasted with the Roman religion, because, while it pointed to the other world, the ancient belief strengthened civic virtues. For this reason, conceived an ethics based on the values of the Roman religion. In this paper, we aim to analyze a global way, the idea that the Renaissance philosopher had on the religious phenomenon.
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