The study of the relations between government levels since the intergovernmental relationships and the multilevel governance




Governance, multilevel governance, intergovernmentalism, subnational governments


This paper presents the contributions of the theory of intergovernmental relations (IGR) and multilevel governance approach (MLG) in the study of relations between governmental levels. Both, from political science, contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon of intergovernmental relations, while enabling the study of formal and informal aspects in determining the stage of negotiation, coordination, policy development, and joint decision making and, in general, actions that involve various levels of government. Both IGR as MLG focus in theoretical and analytical elements different, but complementary, to the understanding of the mechanisms for coordination between government levels that make a state. More precisely, the IGR allows the study of intergovernmental relations from an institutional trend that examines the powers of different levels, the policy, the role of political parties, bureaucracy and the government instruments for the relationship. In turn, the MLG allows the study of the relationships that develop between different levels of government from the way the actors are forging, by giving less importance to the legal and institutional frameworks imposed from above.

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Author Biography

Olga Lucía Zapata Cortés, Universidad de Antioquia

Faculty of Law and Political Science


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How to Cite

Zapata Cortés, O. L. (2013). The study of the relations between government levels since the intergovernmental relationships and the multilevel governance. Estudios De Derecho, 70(156), 323–344.