Conciliation a publicpolicy of citizenformation. Study of the period between 2009 to 2011 in the conciliation center Luis Fernando Velez
conciliation, citizenship training, mediation center, public policy, conciliatoryAbstract
Conciliation in Colombia in recent years has not only been one of the dispute settlement mechanisms, it has transcended itself as a real citizen training tool for building peace and creating the social coexistence locally and nationally. One of the ways in which conciliation as justice alternative instrument reaches the neediest and low income is from conciliation centers of universities, so it is necessary to investigate the role of these centers in building peaceful coexistence of citizens. This article discusses the work that develops the conciliation center at the Universidad de Antioquia (Centro de Conciliación Luis Fernando Velez Velez) as a key scene in the construction of public policies oriented towards civic education in Medellin. This is a budget that supports the need to strengthen these centers in universities since the implementation of new public policies at local, regional or national.
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