Law and development in the multilateral trading system: the rules relating to special and differential treatment in multilateral trade negotiations: flexibilities or obstacles for development?


  • Griselda Llorente
  • Leonor Hidalgo Ciro Universidad de Antioquia



MultilateralTrade System (MTS), Developing Countries (DC), Least Developing Countries (LDC), Special and Differential Treatment (SDT), World Trade Organization (WTO), Doha Ministerial Declaration


The participation on the MTS and in the process of commercial liberation by the LDC and the DC, and the glaring inequalities (economical, financial and technological) between them and the developed countries, made necessary to take measures from the law, wich allows the insertion of the LDC and DC into the MTS, measures known as SDT. The SDT has been degenerated just in a adjust instrument and has lost the vocation of being a mechanism to create equality conditions, to become in the adaptation way of the underdeveloped economies to the free trade demands. To counteract this phenomenon in the Doha Ministerial Declaration, dispositions were adopted to revitalize the SDT; however, such measures stays as formal considerations, forgetting that the commercial liberation should not be an end, but a way to the economic development.

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Author Biographies

Griselda Llorente

Abogada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Litigante y consultora independiente en Argentina. Investigadora en temas de derecho del comercio internacional y propiedad intelectual.

Leonor Hidalgo Ciro, Universidad de Antioquia

Profesora de Cátedra de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Antioquia. Integrante del Grupo de Investigación GESTOR, categoría B de Conciencias, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Antioquia. Directora Jurídica de la Corporación Tecnnova UEE.



How to Cite

Llorente, G., & Hidalgo Ciro, L. (2008). Law and development in the multilateral trading system: the rules relating to special and differential treatment in multilateral trade negotiations: flexibilities or obstacles for development?. Estudios De Derecho, 66(146), 231–246.