Analysis of the relevance of research on the law program at the University of Antioquia
research, social pertinence, academic pertinence, research and extensionAbstract
In this article you will find an analysis of the relevance of investigations in the Law Program through the concepts of social and academic relevance at the Universidad de Antioquia under the light of the concepts of social and academic relevance, starting at a possible relationship between research and continuing education. The period studied goes from 1992 to 2009. Firstly, with such an objective in mind, some ideas found in the literature regarding pertinence are described, establishing the difference between social and academic pertinence, understanding the first one as a relationship with society and the second one as a relationship with the production of knowledge. Second, it addresses what research and continuing education have been atthe Law and Political Science department in the Universidad de Antioquia based on the findings in the institutional documents and the oral sources. It finallystates that research and continuing education need to be articulated to make possible the training of skilled professionals and social contributions.
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