The measures of the 22 article about the urderstanding related to the norms and proceedings that rule the solution of dlfferences in the world trade organization
WTO, GATT, Understanding, solution of differences, proceeding, impediment, Differences Solution Organization, recommendations and resolutions implementation, compensation, suspension of concessions or other obligations, international sanctions, reprisalsAbstract
In order that a Member of the WTO start up the proceeding for solution of differences, is require an annulment or reduce oftbe benefits recognized in an agreement or the existence of some impediment for the achievement of any ofthe objectives for it. It may due to a non-completion ofthe agreement by other Member's side, or to put into effect a measure that does not violate any oftbose.
Once exhausted a proceeding and once verify the non-completion ofthe agreement and the annulment or reduce to the claiming Member, the infringer must remove the measure incompatible with the arrangement. In case the infringer does not do it, there will be even the imposition of measures as compensation, or the authorization for the suspension of concessions or other obligations by the claiming Member's side.
The regulation of this measures makes think that in the WTO are getting impose sanctions or institutional reactions, although given its characteristics could also be about unilateral measures put into effect by the affected Member.
Anyway, it is possible to maintain that the solution differences system ofthe WTO is paradigmatic among the ones ofthe many international organizations, and the trust in it gets evident in the number of cases presented during its ten years functioning.
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