The taking of Almaguer: critical review on the institutional concept of victim toward a post-conflict era
victim, Life-history, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Post-conflictAbstract
This article focuses on describing the experiences of 5 victims of a town assault in the year 2001 in the city of Almaguer- Cauca. The objective was to analyze the application of the concept of victim operated by the law 1448/2011, in contrast to the concept of victim constructed bythe doctrine. Inthis sense, we started from the hypothesis of transition, anchored to the notion of victim institutionalized by legal norms to the empowerment and individual or collective overcoming of this condition, ina transition towards peace within the framework of the post-conflict. Thus, from aqualitative research, based on the methodology of life-history, the importance of the perception of the victim before, during and after the conflict was revealed, making possible a reconceptualization or a new notion of victim, more broad and with a new approach towards the transitional justice ongoing in our country, where a better consideration is given to the various measures that allow people who have suffered violations of their rights, to move from the condition of a victim to the process of healing, overcoming, achievement and/or reconstruction of goals in their lives
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Copyright (c) 2018 Angélica María Anichiarico González,Samuel Silveira Martins,Yulieth Fernanda Rengifo Omen
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