Profamila: A Case study on Gradual Institutional Changes in the Provision of Abortion Services in Colombia
abortion, Constitutional Court, gradual institutional changes, women's rights, health servicesAbstract
This article studies how the health services of Bogotá underwent institutional transformations to cover abortions, analyzing the case study of Profamilia. This non-profit organization founded in 1965 has fought for health and reproductive rights since its inception. As a provider of health services, Profamilia lived through complex and gradual transformations since 2006, when abortion was partially decriminalized in three cases thanks to Colombia’s Constitutional Court. After the court’s decision, Profamilia went from not perfoming any abortion procedures to gradually becoming the country's biggest provider of abortion services. Therefore, this article studies the transformation of the services during the years, using the method of analysis for gradual institutional changes proposed by Mahoney and Thelen, in order to do an in-depth analysis of the internal changes that were made in order to achieve the increase in services provided, and their correlation to the current legal framework.
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Notas de prensa
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