Abortion law reform in Argentina: regulatory models, rationale and precedents
abortion, legal reform, legal feminisms, socio-legal research, ArgentinaAbstract
In this research we explore the legal reform projects on abortion presented between the years 1986-2020 in the Congress of the Nation of Argentina, what were the proposed regulatory models, the main legal foundations and judicial precedents, and we show the sociopolitical nuances of these proposals in Latin America. This work seeks to contribute to contemporary feminist productions of law. For this, our proposal is based on Carol Smart's feminist socio-legal perspective, and we understand legal discourse as an institutionalized place of power struggles. The methodological strategy of this work is the study of the content of textual documents.
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Copyright (c) 2022 María Eugenia Monte, María José León-Marín, Laura Sofía Salamanca Navarro, Janine Andrea Acosta
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